The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

I have not written anything for a while now.  I have done much study and prayer and research over this past time.  I used to be really resistant to Set Apart Believers and Sacred Namers.  Consider that some Jewish people curse the name of Yeshua using the first 5 letters of that name: Yeshu (a curse meaning “may his name and memory be blotted out”). They would not be able to use that curse word with His Name starting out with YAH.   Please prayerfully read the following information.  I will not argue over this, and know that I love all of you.

PierreRock Eksteen ServingYahusha

Shalom! You are most welcome to call Messiah by the name of Yeshua if you please, BUT Scripture through the Hebrew Strong's disagrees with you!

See the WHOLE TRUTH below . . .
Strong’s or any Hebrew concordance will show you salvation is “Yesha” from Hebrew Strong's #3468, [not “Yeshua”].
yesha: deliverance, rescue, salvation, safety, welfare
Original Word: יֵ֫שַׁע
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: yesha
Phonetic Spelling: (yeh'-shah)
Short Definition: salvation
Word Origin
from yasha 


The word "Yesha" comes from the Hebrew ROOT WORD "Yasha" . . . see below!
Hebrew Strong's #3467: 
According to Act 4:12 there is ONLY ONE NAME given by which we can be saved (not many names)!
yasha: to deliver
Original Word: יָשַׁע
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: yasha
Phonetic Spelling: (yaw-shah')
Short Definition: save
Please NOTE that both Strong's 3467 and 3468 ends with "sha" and NOT "shua"! 


"Shua" is Hebrew Strong's #7769 and means:
"a cry for help".
shua: a cry for help
Original Word: שׁ֫וּעַ
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: shua
Phonetic Spelling: (shoo'-ah)
Short Definition: help


What does the Hebrew Strong's say about "Yeshua" . . .
Hebrew Strong's #3442:
Yeshua: Jeshua (NOT SALVATION)
Original Word: יֵשׁ֫וּעַ
Part of Speech: proper name, masculine
Transliteration: Yeshua
Phonetic Spelling: (yay-shoo'-ah)
Short Definition: Jeshua
Word Origin
the same as Yehoshua, q.v.
(from the Strong's, we CLEARLY see that "Yeshua" DOESN'T mean "salvation" or "to save", UNLIKE the Hebrew Words "Yesha" meaning (salvation) and "Yasha" meaning (to deliver and save)! 


If we go to the WORD ORIGIN of Yeshua (Strong's #3442), we find the following:
Hebrew Strong's #3091
Yehoshua: "the LORD is salvation," Moses' successor, also the name of a number of Isr.
Original Word: יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ
Part of Speech: proper name, masculine; proper name, of a location; proper name
Transliteration: Yehoshua
Phonetic Spelling: (yeh-ho-shoo'-ah)
Short Definition: Joshua
Word Origin
FROM -- Yhvh (which should be Yhuh according to the ancient Hebrew of Scripture) and yasha


Here again we see that the WORD ORIGIN for the Name Yehoshua are a combination of the Name of the Almighty (YHUH from the Ancient Hebrew) and the Hebrew word "yasha", which is Hebrew Strong's #3467, meaning "to deliver" and "save" as ALREADY mentioned!

Isa 43:11, Yo'el 2:32, Act 2:21 and Rom 10:13 clearly teach that YAHUAH (The Father) is the Savior, but we all know that He saves THROUGH His Son (Mat 1:21)!
Hence Messiah's Name comprise a COMBINATION of the Father's Name and the Hebrew word(s) for salvation (Yesha and Yasha) . . .
YAHU-ah (The Father) + ya"sha" = Yahu-sha, NOT Yeshua!

Love and shalum

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Names give IDENTITY.

1. the condition of being oneself or itself, and not  another.

2. condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is.

3. the state or fact of being the same one as described.

The actual word "Name" not only means "character and reputation" but also a literal written and spoken word (name).

Strong's gives the definition of the Hebrew word "shem" which is translated as "name" all throughout scripture as: 

Strong's # 8034 Shem; a primitive word [perhaps rather from 7760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position; compare 8064]; an appellation, as a MARK ormemorial of individuality; by implication honor, authority, character: - + base, [in-] fame[-ous], name[-d], renown, report.

It's standard that when we meet someone the first thing we want to know is their name. Most of the time parents give their children a name even before they are born. Imagine parents deciding that a name wasn't important and therefore making the choice not to name their child! That would be ludicrous. Have you ever been around someone for a bit and they kept calling you the wrong name? It's annoying, isn't it?

"Therefore My people shall know My Name..." 

If you want to be His people, then you must know His Name. Most of the world calls Him by a generic title like "God" or "LORD." What most don't know is that this has been intentionally done by the "Holy Roman Church," as well as perpetuated by many "Jewish Rabbis." As a matter of fact, the Creator talks about this in Yermeyahu (sn- Jeremiah) 23:26, 27:

“Till when shall it be in the heart of the prophets? – the prophets of falsehood and prophets of the deceit of their own heart, who try to make My people forget My Name by their dreams which everyone relates to his neighbor, as their fathers forgot My Name for Baal.”

Not only have most forgot and not known His Name, but they've substituted it for pagan names- "Baal" and "God." Are you ready for a shocker? Just look at what the definitions for "Baal" and "God" are:


Our Creator has a Name, and it's certainly not "LORD" (Baal). Many will get upset by finding this out and react in several ways, but this can be easily proven (We'll provide you with access to our advanced research that will prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt).

GOD- According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, GOD is the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship, applied to all the superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word "god" on the conversion of the Teutonic races to "christianity" was adopted as the name of the One Supreme Being. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics and Webster's Twentieth Century Dictionary agree that the origin is Teutonic paganism.

Who would imagine that the WHOLE WORLD would be DECEIVED? This includes all of us! Those of us who put this site together admitted that we were deceived and decided to repent and turn to the truth. Once a person humbles themselves and repents the "blinders" come off and all truth begins to be revealed. This is the truth. You'll have the chance to do the same and repent if you haven't already.
(Messiyah) whom You have sent."When it comes to Eternal Life most people get caught up into the "emotion" of a prior decision they had made based upon the information they had available to them at that time (received from tradition- ie. family or church). It's tough we know, but one has to have a continual desire for the truth. The reason we mentioned the above verse is because it says that Eternal Life comes from "knowing" who the only Creator really is. Knowing Him starts with knowing His name. This is typically how all relationships begin- knowing what a person's name is. In fact the word "name" comes from the Paleo-Hebrew word "per-shem" (per name), which is where we get the english word "person" from. So a person's name is actually who they are and how they are identified! Pretty simple, huh?

So let's get down to the Truth of what The Name of the only Creator/Savior is as well as what the name of His Son is. We will also elaborate on several of the "true" names of the Prophets and the Apostles. This allows us to begin to know the truth. The rest of the Scriptures begins to come together and make sense once you get the "names" straight.

Mishle (sn- Prov) 30:4-6

4 Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son's name, If you know?

Every word of Eloah [sn-God] is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. 6 Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.

This Mishle (Proverb) challenges us to see, and expects us to know the Name of the Father and the Son. It also challenges that whoever adds to His Words will be found to be a liar, and no liar will inherit Eternal Life (see Rev 21:8). This is where it gets exciting, because now you will never have to guess what our Creator's or Savior's name is. We will also provide you with undisputable proof that His Name is what we show you it is. There have been many who have been close but have missed. This is important because there is POWER and SALVATION in His Name. As a matter of fact His Name is so important that the Scriptures tell us that Acts 2:21 that whoever calls on his NAME shall be saved. The Scripture attaches knowing His name to Salvation (pretty important, huh?).

The Creator Himself wrote His Name with His finger on the Ten Commandments. He spells it . This language is commonly called Paleo-Hebrew. 

In "Hebrew" His name is spelled .

Both these languages equal His name to be YAHUAH (pronounced: yah-hoo-ah). As a matter of fact all languages pronounce it the same, because you do not change the "pronounciation" of a name (even your name is pronounced the same in every language). Again, names do not change in pronounciation! There literally is no doubt whatsoever that this is His Name, and we can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt (check out our link "4 Undisputable Facts").

Now comes the real shocker! How many of you have believed that the name of Creator's one and only Son was "Jesus?" This will break many hearts like it did ours at first, but the Son's Name is for an absolute fact not "Jesus." The Son of YAHUAH bears His Father's name. His name was YAHUsha. "YAHU" is short for YAHUAH, and "sha" means Salvation in Hebrew. When we put the two together we get YAHUsha, which means "YAHUAH is Salvation." YAHUsha was the name He carried while here on earth. After His resurrection he has been given the name above all names, YAHUAH the Savior. Again, He and His Father bear the same Name! It's pretty simple when you let it be what it is. We can prove this also beyond a shadow of a doubt. Let's give you a few quick Scriptures that will allow you to piece this together. The Savior, YAHUsha, said in Yahuchanon 5:43 (sign name and corrupted to John):

Yahuchanon (sn- John) 5:43 "I have come in my Father's Name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own namehim you will receive."

Yahuchanon (sn- John) 10:25- YAHUsha (name corrupted to Jesus) answered them "I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father's Name, they bear witness of Me."

Now look closely at these two simple but powerful verses for a second. First of all in Yahuchanon (sn-John) 5:43, the Savior gives an incredible prophesy (prediction) that has literally come true. His Name has been changed by corrupt humans influenced by Shatan (Satan). He said clearly that "I have come in My Father's Name." Now if you know the Father's Name you will be able to know the Son's Name. The Father's Name is YAHUAH. So that means that all or part of the Son's Name will have YAHUAH's Name in it. All you have to do is look at some "Original and/or Early Textual Scriptures," and it will be very obvious to you. That is why throughout this site we put different pictures of some Original or near Original Texts for you to observe.

But look at the verse (Yahuchanon 5:43) a little closer and you will see the remainder of the startling prophesy come true. YAHUsha says that He comes in His Father's Name and "you do not receive me." Then He says that if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. What is the Name of the true Savior? YAHUsha (now YAHUAH the Savior or Mashiach). What is the name of "another" that most are calling the Savior? "Jesus" (derived from IeSus a Latinized Greek pagan name). Folks, as startling and shocking as this may be, it's easy to see if you love the truth. If you don't "love the truth," then Scripture tells us you will be sent a delusion in your mind so that you will actually believe a lie that leads to your own destruction (see 2 Thess 2:9-12). This is no game here. You need to get the names right based on what the only Creator, YAHUAH, has spoken.Important Note: The name "Jesus" did not appear on the face of the planet until the year 1628 in the 5th edition of the King James Versus. "Jesus" came from the corrupted name the translators of King James used, "Iesus." You can see a picture of a page (Matt chapter 4) out of the 1611 King James which shows the Savior's Name changed to "Iesus" (once you're there click on the pic to enlarge):Click Here. The name "Iesus" in Greek means "Born Of or Out of Zeus." Pretty shocking, huh? But it's true. The Greeks had tons of "sun god" and "pagan" worship. "Sus" is the ending of many pagan names that honored "Zeus"-- example: Pegasus and Tarsus (Tarsus literally means "The sweat of Zeus"). This is crazy, but true.

YAHUsha reiterates in Yahuchanon 10:25 that the works that He does are in His Father's Name. Now look at the conclusion of that verse, He says the works that are in His Father's Name tells who He is! What's the Father's Name? YAHUAH. Who is the Savior of the world? YAHUsha (now Yahuah ha Mashiach). His Name bears witness to who the Savior is-YAHUAH is Salvation (YAHUsha). He has been given The Name that is above all names (Phil 2:9). The Name that is above all Names isYAHUAH. So, let's start today as a people to "Get The Names Staight!" This is the "key to opening up the treasures of wisdom.

The Power is in His Name. Deliverance is in His Name. IMPORTANT: Salvation is in His Name!There is no other Name by whom you must be saved (Acts 4:12). There are not 2 Saviors. There's only one Savior, and He will not share His esteem with any other Name.

Take a look below and see from some of the "Original and/or Earliest Texts" how many times the Name of YAHUAH is mentioned. You will notice that the writing is a little bit different for all the words except for YAHUAH . The reason for this is because the writers of the Text spelled YAHUAH's Name the same way that YAHUAH Himself spelled His Name on the 10 Commandments. Now if He spelled His Name with His own finger to establish who He is and what His Name is, what gives anyone the right to think they can change it?After looking at the document below we will expose the true names of many of the Prophets and Patriarchs of the Scripture that gives incredible evidence of who the Creator is and how important Names are to Him.

This is a 2,000 year old Original Text of Tehillum (sn- Psalms) found at Qumran, Israel. This was written around 50 B.C. This is an example of the type of Scripture that the Savior read from.

Careful examination of this text will show our Creator's Name, -YAHUAH, appears "7 "times in this short amount of Scripture.

Now look at Acts 10:43 for one of the most obvious clues to who the Name of the Savior is and how important Names are.

Acts 10:43- "To Him all the Prophets witness that, through His Name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins."

Now, this "Correct Names" subject moves beyond being just a cool study to one that deals with Eternal Life. Let's break this verse down so that you will have no doubt what it's talking about. First of all it says "To Him ALL THE PROPHETS witness." Here's the definition of the word witness:  "To provide or serve as evidence of;To attest to the legality or authenticity of by signing one's name to."

The interesting fact about this is that nearly all of the Prophets carry a part ofYAHUAH's Name in their Names. As a matter of fact tons of people's name in the Scripture have part of YAHUAH's name in their name. And whenever His Name is found in one of their names it gives a "witness" and "testifies" to who YAHUAH is! Let's take a look at some of the names of the Prophets, Patriarchs, and People of the Scripture to see if we get a clue who the Creator and the Savior is.

We'll start by looking at the books of Scripture that were named after a person. This is amazing!

IMPORTANT: The correct "title" for the Creator is "Eloah" and not the pagan title "God." Take special note of this, so that this gets corrected to the proper Title for YAHUAH. By the way, don't just take our word for it, go and study all of this on your own. You'll be completely amazed at how much has went into deceiving the world!

Names of Books of the Scripture

Joshua- Real Name is YAHUshua= “YAHUAH is Salvation”

Samuel- Real Name is ShamAHuel= “Listen to YAHUAH your Eloah”

Isaiah- Real Name is YeshaYAHU= “Salvation is YAHUAH”

Jeremiah- Real Name is YirmeYAHU= “The Resurrection/Rising is YAHUAH”

Ezekiel- Real Name is YAHchezqel= “YAHUAH is a Righteous Eloah”

Daniel- Real Name is DaniYAHel “The decision is YAHUAH's our Eloah”

Hosea- Real Name is HosheAH= “The Deliver is YAHUAH”

Joel- Real Name is YAHel= “YAHUAH is Eloah”

Amos- Real Name is AHmoce= “YAHUAH’s Burden”

Obadiah- Real Name is ObadYAHU= “The Servant of YAHUAH”

Jonah- Real Name is YonAH= “YAHUAH provides Warmth”

Micah- Real Name is MiykahYAHU= “Who is like YAHUAH”

Nahum- Real Name is NachUm= “Comfort comes from YAHUAH”

Habakkuk- Real Name is ChabaqUq= “Embrace YAHUAH”

Zephaniah- Real Name is TsphanYAHU= “The Secret is YAHUAH”

Haggai- Real Name is ChaggaYAH= “The Celebration is YAHUAH”

Zechariah- Real Name is ZacharYAHU= “YAHUAH Remembers”

Malachi- Real Name is MalakiYAH= “Messenger of YAHUAH”

Job- Real Name is YAHshub= “YAHUAH Will Return”

Ezra- Real Name is EzrAH= “Our Help is YAHUAH”

Nehemiah- Real Name is NechemYAH= “Consoled by YAHUAH”

Matthew- Real Name is MatithYAHU= “The gift is YAHUAH”

Mark- Real Name is MarkU= “Man of YAHUAH”

Luke- Real Name is LukAH= “The Light is YAHUAH”

John- Real Name is YAHUchanon= “YAHUAH is Grace”

Timothy- Timotheos= “Dear to ELOAH”

Titus- Titos

Philemon- “Friendly”

James- Real Name is YAHcob= “YAHUAH rises up”

Peter- Real Name is KephAH= “The Rock is YAHUAH”

Jude- Real Name is YAHUdAH= “YAHUAH’s Worshipers and Followers”

This is amazing to find out! Nearly every one of their names has a part of YAHUAH's name in it. And everyone of their names "testifies" and tells something about who YAHUAH is to us that believe in and call on His Name.

Now let's continue on by looking at the first Chapter of MatithYAHU (sn- Matthew). It gives the geneology from AbrAHam to the Savior YAHUsha the Mashiach (MessiYAH):

1ST Chapter of MatithYAHU (The Gift is YAHUAH) verses 2-16:

Abram- AbrAHam- “The Father YAHUAH of a Multitude”

Isaac- YAHsaac- “YAHUAH Laughs”

Jacob- YAHcob- “YAHUAH Succeeds”

Judah- YAHUdah- YAHUAH’s Worshipers and Followers

Perez- means “A Break”

Zerah- ZerAHk- “The Rising of Light is YAHUAH”

Hezron- Chetsron

Ram- RaAHm “YAHUAH Is the Highest”

Amminadab- AmiynAHdaab- “People of YAHUAH are at Liberty”

Nashon- NAHchshon- “YAHUAH’s Enchanter”

Salmon- SalmAH- “Clothing Provided by YAHUAH”

Boaz- Bo’az

Rahab- RAHchaab- “YAHUAH is Proud”

Obed- Owbed- Serving

Ruth- RUth- “YAHUAH’s Friend”

Jesse- YeshAHy “The Existence of YAHUAH Continues”

David- Da'ud- “Love YAHUAH”

Solomon- ShalomAH “The Peace of YAHUAH”

Uriah- UwriYAHU- “The Flame of YAHUAH”

Rehoboam- RachAHbam “The people of YAHUAH has Enlarged”

Abijah- AbiYAHU “Fathered by YAHUAH”

Asa- AHca “YAHUAH Heals”

Jehoshaphat- YAHUshaphat- “YAHUAH is the Judge”

Joram- YAHUram “YAHUAH Raised”

Uzziah- UzziYAHU- “Strength of YAHUAH”

Jotham- YAHtaam- “YAHUAH is Perfect”

Ahaz- “AHchaaz- YAHUAH is the Possesor”

Hezekiah- YAHchizqiYAHU- “Strengthened of YAHUAH”

Mannasseh- ManAHshah- “YAHUAH Made Me Forget”

Amon- AHmon “YAHUAH Trains”

Josiah- YoshiYAHU- “Founded of YAHUAH”

Jeconiah- YakonYAHU- “YAHUAH Will Establish”

Shealtiel- ShaltiYAHel- “I have asked YAHUAH Eloah”

Zerubbabel- Zarubaabel

Abiud- AbiyhUd “Renowned is YAHUAH”

Eliakim- ElYAHqiym “Eloah YAHUAH is Raising”

Azor- AzzUr “Helpful is YAHUAH”

Zadok- TsAHdoq “YAHUAH is Right”

Achim- YAHqiym “YAHUAH Rises”

Eliud- EliUd “God YAHUAH of Majesty”

Eleazar- ElAHzaar “Eloah YAHUAH is Our Helper”

Matthan- Mattan “A present”

Jacob- YAHqob- “YAHUAH Succeeds”

Joseph- YAHceph “YAHUAH Increases”

YAHUsha “YAHUAH is Salvation”

-End of Names from MattithYahu 1:2-16 (I think we are starting to get the point of who the Creator and the Savior is- YAHUAH).

                     All the names above are just from the 1st Chapter of MatithYAHU!

Now to drive home the point, let's look at a list of other names in Scripture that reveal who the one and only Eloah and Savior is:

More Names

Adam- Real Name is AHdam= “YAHUAH’s Mankind”

Eve- ChavAH= “The Life-Giver is YAHUAH

Joseph- YAHceph= “YAHUAH Increases”

Samuel- ShamAHuel= “Listen to YAHUAH your Eloah”

Job- YAHshub= “YAHUAH Will Return”

Moses- MoshAH= “The Rescuer is YAHUAH”

Aaron- AHaron= “YAHUAH is Exalted”

Elkanah- ElqanAH= “YAHUAH Eloah has Obtained”

Jeroham- YAHrocham= “YAHUAH is Compassionate”

Hannah- ChanAH= “Favor of YAHUAH”

Amoz- AHmots= “YAHUAH is Strong”

Jotham- YAHtaam= “YAHUAH is Perfect”

Ahaz- AHchaaz= “YAHUAH is the Possesor”

Hezekiah- YAHchizqiYAHU= “Strengthened of YAHUAH”

Joab- YAHab= “YAHUAH Fathered”

Jehoshaphat- YAHUshaphat= “YAHUAH is the Judge”

Abiathar- EbYAHtaar= The Father YAHUAH of Abundance”

Seraiah- SeraYAH= “The Prevailer is YAHUAH”

Benaiah- BenaYAHU- “The Builder is YAHUAH”

Saul- ShaUl= “Ask YAHUAH”

Jonathan- YAHUnataan= “YAHUAH Gives”

Hilkiah- ChilqiYAHU= “Portion of YAHUAH”

Benjamin- BinYAHmiyn= “Son of YAHUAH’S Right Hand” (prophesies the Savior)

Jehoiakim- YAHUyaqiym= “YAHUAH will Raise”

Zedekiah- TsidqiYAHU= “The Right of YAHUAH”

Gedaliah- GedalYAHU= “Great is YAHUAH”

Hizkiah- YechizqiYAHU= “Stengthened of YAHUAH”

Amariah- AmarYAHU= “Promise of YAHUAH”

Josiah- YoshiYAHU= “Founded of YAHUAH”

Josedech- YAHUtsadaq= “YAHUAH Righted”

Berechiah- BerekYAHU= “The Blessing of YAHUAH”

Asahiah- AsaYAH= “The Maker is YAHUAH”

Shallum- ShallUm= “The Reward is YAHUAH”

Shebaniah- ShebanYAHU= “The Prosperer is YAHUAH”

Benaiah- BenaYAHU= The Builder is YAHUAH”

Jesiah- YishshiYAHU= “The Lender is YAHUAH”

Zebadiah- ZebadYAHU= “ The Giver is YAHUAH”

Joelah- YoelAH= “The Ascender is YAHUAH”

Obadiah- ObadYAHU= “Serve YAHUAH”

Pelatiah- PelatYAHU= “The Deliverer is YAHUAH”

Hananiah- ChananYAHU= “Favor from YAHUAH”

Rephaiah- RephaYAHU= “The Cure is YAHUAH”

Shechaniah- ShekanYAHU= “The Dweller is YAHUAH”

Shemaiah- ShemaYAHU= “The Listener is YAHUAH”

Neariah- Ne’arYAHU= “Servant of YAHUAH”

Elioenai- ElYAHehnay= “Towards Eloah YAHUAH are my eyes”

Hodaiah- HowdavYAHU= “Majesty of YAHUAH”

Eliashib- ElYAHshiyb= “Eloah YAHUAH will Restore”

Pelaiah- PelaYAHU= “The Distinguisher is YAHUAH”

Dalaiah- DelaYAHU= “Lifted by YAHUAH”

Reaiah- Re’aYAHU= “Seen by YAHUAH”

Kolaiah- QowlaYAHU= “Voice of YAHUAH”

Maaseiah- Ma’aseYAHU= “The Work of YAHUAH”

Noah- NoAHch= “The Rest is YAHUAH”

Shephatiah= ShephatYAHU- “The Vindicator is YAHUAH”

Ahaziah= AchazYAHU- “Seized by YAHUAH”

Amaziah= AmatsYAHU- “Strength of YAHUAH”

Azariah= AzarYAHU- “The Helper is YAHUAH”

Jecamiah= YaqamYAHU- “The Riser is YAHUAH”

Nedabiah= NadabYAHU- “Free Offer of YAHUAH”

Pedaiah= PedaYAHU- “Redeemed by YAHUAH”

As we can clearly see the names of these many people give us incredible insight as to who our Creator and Savior is. The Savior, YAHUsha, clearly said in YAHUchanon (sn- John) 5:43 that "I have come in My Father's name, and you do not receive me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive."

This is exactly what's happened. Most people are calling the Savior "Jesus," and "Jesus" sounds nothing like YAHUsha. It's a sad fact, but the entire world has been deceived as prophesied in Rev 12:9. Now our Creator, YAHUAH is calling men and women everywhere to repent (see Acts 17:30). There is only One Name given among men by whom we must be saved (see Acts 4:12), and that name is YAHUAH ha Mashiach(MessiYAH). Now that the Savior has risen He has been given the Name that is above all Names- That's why He is now YAHUAH  ha Maschiach (MessiYAH)!

If you want salvation, then you must be saved in His True Name. Click here to read about True Salvation.

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