The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

  • Male
  • Nuneaton, Warwickshire
  • United Kingdom

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What Name & practice of faith do you identify with
Is Yeshua YHWH?
Yes and no, but mostly yes.
I don't believe in a pagan trinity but I do believe in a sort of trinity.
It's clear there is One Elohim, who's name in one pronunciation and English transliteration is YHWH. I usually prefer YaHuWaH / YaHUaH but accept others like YaHWeH etc. I like them all and they are all based on serious study and everyone makes a compelling argument......I just don't get all tetchy on it. I do however dislike the tradition of replacing names. The Word says not to add or take away and so replacing a HEH with a QUF in YHWH and Elohim and saying HaShem etc doesn't sit well with me, but that doesn't mean I'm against you, I'm just not convinced of that Oral way at the moment, seems we are all at variance with this issue sadly.

He has His Ruakh HaQodesh as part of himself, just as we have our Ruakh. Life force etc.

And He has His Son, Yahushua / Yehoshua / Yahusha / Yahawasha/ Yahshua / Y'shua / Yeshua - take your pick! I don't argue on this either, I accept all these variations as scripture gives 3 different spellings and people then argue until the cows come home how it should be pronounced. Either way, they are all more accurate than Jesus, but I'm not against that version completely, I just avoid it somewhat as I'm unsure on it's accuracy.

I believe Yeshua is Ben Elohim as an exact manifestation and representation and part of Elohim and is basically YHWH in physical form just like when Abraham gave food to the '3 men' and just like YHWH walked with Adam in the 'cool of the day' right at the beginning. He was born of Miryam and so became a Son, a human born from Adam in that sense.

I admit I don't understand how He can pray to YHWH when He in a sense Is YHWH, because YHWH is Father, Son and Spirit and so each component as a whole is of the one Elohim but obviously there are differences, and yet is One. Our body, Mind, Soul / Spirit etc I see as a similar issue but again I don't get into this too much as I haven't figured it all out and it never seems to really make much difference to peoples walk, relationship with Him and on top of that it seems to divide people more than anything.
Should all keep Torah?
Do you keep Oral Torah
No, but I do see it has much wisdom in it, yet I also see that it has much error and arguments in. Thing is, Yahushua / Y'shua agreed with the Rabbies in areas, but also repremanded them in other areas and it seems many of his miracles were done in such a way as to snub rabbinic traditions, part of why they wanted him dead because to their mind he was breaking torah. He broke Rabbinic Oral Torah but not written Torah as I see it, yet kept some of their ways if they agreed with Written Torah. I don't see Oral Torah as binding on people or divine, I see it as Christian commentary for example, so people are free to observe it as long as it's in accordance with the Written Torah. That's my current stance, I have seen some prophecy in the Talmud that came to pass so I try to keep a balanced view on it, but I have a more Karaite mindset towards the scriptures, but not strictly so. I don't see everything as Jewish as there are 12 tribes not just 1.
Favorite translation/version of the Scriptures?
AENT, KJV, NKJV, YLT, Looking into the HalleluYah Scriptures versions but not had enough time to decide yet.
How long have you been Walking the Torah Observent way?
4 or 5 years, but I have a LOOONG way to go as I'm coming from a Mainstream Christian background and have ZERO people I can actually see, so I'm alone in this. Repenting progress and everything is slow to say the least. I've been learning Hebrew also as it's become a bit of a passion. Again, slow progress due to self teaching due to a lack of proximity with the right people.
Whats is your reason for wanting to join this site?
To learn things, if possible fellowship and talk to people with similar minded beliefs, to share what I've learnt. It's the reason most people want to join isn't it? I'm alone in this though and have no people physically to interact with, no kahal etc, finding people online isn't the saem as in real life unless you meet up with them, but it's still better than no interaction at all.

If it would be possible for me to find my wife (whoever she may be) on here that'd be brilliant also, but that's not the main reason I joined, just a hope on the side. I'm currently 29 and loosing hope.

KnuNetzer's Blog

where is everyone?

As the title. Everyone seems go have moved on.

I log in every now and then to find no one has replied or posted anything. If people post something and no one replies it is very discouraging so I guess everyone gave up?

This is sad if it cannot be revived.

Posted on January 23, 2017 at 1:36am — 2 Comments

No Unity Until Mashiyach's Return?

Greetings people.

I have a serious issue.

We all keep on about unity, it doesn't matter what religion or sect you subscribe to, everyone wants the love and unity of being together. Even nature teaches it, 'birds of a feather flock together etc.'

Scripture wants us in unity but it makes a big point of unity in truth (also Torah) in some places to the point of death.

The Poop, sorry, Pope is uniting the whole world together in the NWO's idea of unity -…


Posted on March 22, 2016 at 3:30pm

Who or what is a Yahudi?

Here I'm just posting my view on who or what Yahudi / Jew is.

I may be wrong and I accept that, yet I know some will agree the term is hard to define and there is much argumentation over it.  What follows is mostly in note form keeping things brief and seldom elaborated. (Unless I edit it one day)

Abraham begat Yitskhak who begat Ya'acob who became Yisra'el / Yashra'el ((((FIRST ISRAELITE))))

Yisra'el begat several Sons, one is Yahudah / Judah…


Posted on August 2, 2014 at 7:43am — 5 Comments

Netzari Israelite VS Netzari Judaism - Same yet Different.

Hello, I'm new to this forum so I say hello to everyone and hope to make friends and have some nice conversations if possible.  Below I'll write about some of my views.

I just wish to say right off the bat, I haven't come here to cause strife and division but rather to learn and share what I've learnt and experienced.  I believe in layered interpretations so sometimes when two people are arguing both are actually right but not in opposition.  Please don't let the title of this initial…


Posted on July 11, 2014 at 12:00pm — 4 Comments

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