The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

Can we know who the Anti-Christ is? Think about this. As I was watching a story about the Pope, the following thoughts penetrated me. The Anti-Christ will be just like that. No, the Pope is not The Anti-Christ! He will exhibit the same characteristics of the Pope. He will be kind, loving, compassionate, merciful,forgiving,peaceful, and not judgmental. This present Pope is being admired all over the World. 

How popular will you be when you proclaim this Truth? Do you see how Christianity will be totally fooled by The Anti-Christ? They will accuse us of having the spirit of The Anti-Christ. Tremendous Persecution will follow. Hold on tightly to the Messiah, He will never leave you or forsake you.

Shalum my Friends

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Comment by KnuNetzer on June 22, 2015 at 2:56pm
Everyyone always argues about who the anti/replacement christ is.

Nearly every world leader has been suggested including the Pope. I think collectively there is a lot of truth in this as scripture even says there are many anti christs but 'The' anti christ I don't know.

I think out of the above the Pope fits the bill best but at the same time scripture also gives us the anti christs name; Abbadon, Apollo/s and he/it comes out of the bottomless pit. Does this mean it is going to be a Demon or Fallen Angel or Nephilim hybrid thing or just a 'normal' world leader still?

I'm one who tends to think Cern are trying to open a wormhole and let all these things out. Weeyl Djun!

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