The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

Aramaic-English New Testament/Hebrew-English Tanakh/Netzari Spiritual Life

Last January of 2014, I got a copy of the Aramaic-English New Testament. It practically changed my life for the better, and got me out of a lot of matters of having been caught up in false religions and the church-systems. Often, I read the AENT as a source of inspiration and comfort for my soul. I am a Netzari Contemplative for Y'shua the Mashiyach, meaning that I live more of an inner lifestyle, focusing on my relationship with Master Y'shua and practicing my Netzari Faith in my home on my own. Never do I need a church or synagogue to attend. I simply read the AENT and a simple SDHS Edition of the Tanakh in Old King James English and Ancient Hebrew. These have become an inspiration for me as a talmid for Mashiyach Y'shua, Our Master. During the past 6 months, I made a lot of progress in my life as a Netzari follower and dedicated talmid of the Master. I practice quiet-sitting as a form of contemplation to commune with Y'shua, as well as pray daily. Listening to music often, that my family and I have. Sometimes, I watch our converter box channels with television that has family approppiate programming. It is all about keeping bad influences, even by the entertainment we use out of our home. On another note, I often read the Catholic Bibles that are in my home with my Tanakh and AENT Study Bible, a True Gnostic Scripture, another complete Messianic Bible, a Hebrew-only New Testament, an Illustrated Graphic Novel Complete Bible, an Arabic New Testament, David H. Stern's Jewish New Testament, and 2 Good News Bibles that has the Deuterocanonicals/Apocrypha in it, all 15 additional texts, which includes 1 and 2 Esdras (3 and 4 Ezra) with the Prayer of Manashsheh (Manasseh), as well as 3 separated portions which are Greek additions of the book of Daniel and the Hebrew with Greek versions of Esther in it, as the Letter of Yirmeyahu in a separated text from the book of Baruch. So, I do keep well read on the Bible and have read a lot of it, with a Modern Text that recaps the Biblical Writings. It is more of a scriptural companion to know the Bible and know the Most High. But, I have stuck with the Ancient Paths as spoken by the Prophets, Y'shua the Mashiyach, and  His Shlichim. Shlama and Elohim bless you all on here!


Roger Joseph Perry

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