Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12
Roger Joseph Perry has not received any gifts yet
After I became a talmid of Mashiyach Y'shua, I began to experience a deeper closeness to Him. When I got a copy of the AENT Study Bible in the beginning of this year, I began learning how to read some of the Aramaic and immerse my studies into the Original Teachings of Y'shua and the 12 Talmidim. In March, a few months later, I had an experience where Torah was written on my heart and the Brit Milah or Circumcision of my heart done by YHWH. And, in the end of…
ContinuePosted on June 19, 2014 at 2:55pm — 6 Comments
Last January of 2014, I got a copy of the Aramaic-English New Testament. It practically changed my life for the better, and got me out of a lot of matters of having been caught up in false religions and the church-systems. Often, I read the AENT as a source of inspiration and comfort for my soul. I am a Netzari Contemplative for Y'shua the Mashiyach, meaning that I live more of an inner lifestyle, focusing on my relationship with Master Y'shua and practicing my Netzari Faith in my home on my…
ContinuePosted on June 19, 2014 at 7:19am
Posted by Mowreh ELbenYahuw Amri Yisra'el on July 12, 2020 at 11:33pm
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