Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12
So many believers do not know the origin of common words in their Bibles. The following article will give you the facts to combat lies that have been passed down for centuries:
The Pagan Meaning Of Common Words Made Popular From KJV And Other English Versions
TRUE Hebrew Friendly Versions Of The Set-Apart Scriptures Avoid Using Many Or Even ALL Of The Below Words, Due To Their Pagan Origins.
Say This Instead: Let It Be, Amein (Hebrew) or Ah-mayn (Aramaic)
The Hebrew of the Ancient (a.k.a. Old) Covenant reveals to us that the Scriptural Hebrew word (which means: so be it, or verily, or surely) is "Amein" and not "Amen." Likewise, the Greek equivalent in the Greek Renewed (a.k.a. New) Covenant is pronounced: "Amein." The Egyptians, including the Alexandrians, had been worshiping, or been acquainted with, the head of the Egyptian pantheon, Amen-Ra, the great pagan sun-idol, for more than one thousand years B.C. Before he was known as (Amen-Ra), he was known as (Amen) among the Thebans.
According to Funk and Wagnall's Standard College Dictionary, AMEN was the god of life and procreation in Egyptian mythology, and later identified with the pagan sun-god as the supreme pagan idol and called "Amen-Ra." Smith's Bible Dictionary and Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought agree.
Our Saviour Y'shua calls Himself "the Amein" in Revelation 3:14. One might ask: Have we been misled to invoke the name of the Egyptian pagan sun-idol at the end of our prayers?
Say This Instead: KODESH (Hebrew) SET-APART SCRIPTURES, Evangel or Besorah (Hebrew)
The term "Scripture (or Scriptures)" is used once in the Book of Daniel and fifty-four times in the Renewed (a.k.a. New Covenant). It refers to the whole book, which is commonly known as "the Bible." The parts of The Scripture, or individual books, are called "books" or "scrolls," which are biblos or biblion in Greek. These words do not refer to the complete writ, The Scriptures.
The word "Bible" for The SCRIPTURES was first used about A.D. 400. The papyrus, on which all documents were written, was imported from Egypt through the Phoenician seaport Gebal, which the Greeks called Byblos or Byblus. This seaport was the home of the Phoenician sun-idol. This city was founded by Baal Chronos and was the seat of Adonis and once contained a large temple of Adonis. The sun-god was associated with the "Lady of Biblos." Both the city of Byblos in Phoenicia and the city Byblis in Egypt were named after the female deity Byblis (also called Byble or Biblis). This idol was the grand-daughter of Apollo, the Greek pagan sun-idol. Byblia was also a name for Venus, an astral goddess and a goddess of sensuality among the ancient Greeks.
Say This Instead: Messiah, Mashiyach (Hebrew) or Messias (Greek)
The Greeks used both the word Messias (a transliteration) and Christos (a translation) for the Hebrew Mashiyach (Anointed). The word Christos was far more acceptable to the pagans who were worshiping Chreston and Chrestos.
According to The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, the word Christos was easily confused with the common Greek proper name Chrestos, meaning "good." According to a French theological dictionary, it is absolutely beyond doubt that Christus and Chrestus, and Christiani and Chrestiani were used indifferently by the profane and Christian authors of the first two centuries A.D. The word Christianos is a Latinism, being contributed neither by the Jews nor by the Christians themselves. The word was introduced from one of three origins: the Roman police, the Roman populace, or an unspecified pagan origin. Its infrequent use in the Renewed (a.k.a. New) Covenant suggests a pagan origin.
According to Realencyclopaedie, the inscription Chrestos is to be seen on a Mithras relief in the Vatican. According to Christianity and Mythology, Osiris, the sun-idol of Egypt, was reverenced as Chrestos. In the Synagogue of the Marcionites on Mount Hermon, built in the third century A.D., the Messiah's title is spelled Chrestos. According to Tertullian and Lactantius, the common people usually called Christ Chrestos.
Say This Instead: Assembly or Fellowship
This is the word used in most English versions as a rendering of the Greek "ekklesia." The Greek word means "a calling out," "a meeting," or "a gathering." Ekklesia is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew qahal, which means an assembly or a congregation.
The origin of the word "church" is kuriakon or kyriakon in Greek. The meaning is a building (the house of Kurios, or Lord).
Dictionaries give the origin of "church" as the Anglo-Saxon root, circe. Circe was the goddess-daughter of Helios, the pagan sun-idol. The word circe is related to "circus," "circle," "circuit," and "circulate."
Circe was originally a Greek goddess whose name was written and pronounced as Kirke. The word "church" is known in Scotland as kirk, in Germany as Kirche, and in Netherlands as kerk.
Say This Instead: Execution/Torture Stake & Executed or Tortured
The words "cross" and "crucify" are mistranslations, a "later rendering," of the Greek words stauros and stauroo. According to Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, STAUROS denotes, primarily, an upright pole or stake. The shape of the two-beamed cross had its origin in ancient Chaldea and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz. In the third century A.D., pagans were received into the apostate ecclesiastical system and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols.
According to The Companion Bible, crosses were used as symbols of the Babylonian pagan sun-idol. The evidence is complete; He was put to death upon an upright stake, not on two pieces of timber placed at an angle.
According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, in the Egyptian churches the cross was a pagan symbol of life borrowed by the Christians and interpreted in the pagan manner.
According to Greek dictionaries and lexicons, the primary meaning of stauros is an upright pale, pole, or stake. The secondary meaning of "cross" is admitted to be a "later" rendering. In spite of the evidence, almost all common versions of the Scriptures persist with the Latin Vulgate's crux (meaning cross) as the rendering of the Greek stauros.
The most accepted reason for the "cross" being brought into Messianic worship is Constantine's famous vision of "the cross superimposed on the sun" in A.D. 312. What he saw is nowhere to be found in Scripture. Even after his so-called "conversion," his coins showed an even-armed cross as a symbol for the sun-god. Many scholars have doubted the "conversion" of Constantine because of the wicked deeds that he did afterwards.
After Constantine had the "vision of the cross," he promoted another variety of the cross, the Chi-Rho or Labarum. This has been explained as representing the first letters of the name Christos (CH and R, or, in Greek, X and P). The identical symbols were found as inscriptions on rock, dating from ca. 2500 B.C., being interpreted as "a combination of the two Sun-symbols." Another proof of its pagan origin is that the identical symbol was found on a coin of Ptolemeus III from 247-222 B.C.
According to An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols, the labarum was also an emblem of the Chaldean sky-god. Emperor Constantine adopted the labarum as the imperial ensign. According to Dictionary of Mythology Folklore and Symbols, the symbol was in use long before Christianity. Chi probably stood for Great Fire or Sun. Rho probably stood for Pater or Patah (Father). The word labarum yields "everlasting Father Sun."
Say This Instead: Resurrection
Pesach (Hebrew) in english is Passover, Easter is Ishtar, (Semiramis, widow of Nimrod, mother of Tammuz) the name of the bare breasted pegan fertility goddess of the east who came out of heaven in a giant egg, landing in the euphrates river at sunrise on the first Sunday after the veral equinox, busting out turning a bird into an egg laying rabbit. After that point in time the priest of Easter would sacrifice infants and then take the eggs of Easter and die them in the blood of the sacrificed infants. These eggs would hach on 12-25 and that is where that pagan Holy Day comes from.
Say This Instead: Spirit or Ruach (Hebrew)
The Greek word 'pneuma' by todays english standards should read spirit, as well with the Hebrew word 'Ruach - RuWach' found in the original Hebrew version of Matthew, also means spirit, not ghost which is "the soul of man; a disembodied spirit." Our Heavenly Father certainly cannot be a ghost for He never had a body to be disembodied from. I can't speak for the King James per-Version crowd who say that he is dead by refering to Him as a ghost but He is very much alive in my life. Y'shua the Messiah certainly was not a ghost since that word was used prior to his birth in the King James per-Version at which time he did not have a body and to say that it was His ghost would to say that He had died previously, before comming in the flesh and that His ressurection was not His first.
Say This Instead: Honor, Esteem, Kavod (Hebrew) or Shekhinah (Hebrew), depending on the context
The Greek word doxa in the Greek translations of the Ancient (a.k.a. Old) Covenant and of the Renewed (a.k.a. New) Covenant is usually rendered "glory" in the English versions, a translation of the Latin gloria. The Hebrew word kabod is usually rendered "honour" when applied to man, but rendered "glory" when applied to our Heavenly Father. Doxa means opinion, estimation, esteem, and repute. Kabad means to be heavy or make weighty, and esteem in its figurative sense.
Funk and Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary of the English Language has these three definitions under "glory," as follows: (1) in religious symbolism, the complete representation of an emanation of light from the person of a sanctified being, consisting of the aureole and the nimbus; (2) the quality of being radiant; as the glory of the sun; (3) any ring of light; a halo. Neither the Hebrew words kabod and kabad nor the Greek words doxa and dokeo carry these meanings.
The Church identified Elohim with the sun-idol, which was the prevailing deity of the Roman emperors, the Roman capital, and the Roman Empire. Gloria, a Roman goddess, was personified on an icon as a woman whose upper body was almost naked, holding a circle on which are zodiac signs. In the dictionaries, encyclopedias, and ecclesiastical books are found many illustrations of our Saviour, the Virgin, and the saints, encircled with radiant circles or emanations of light around them. Instead of "glory," such words as "esteem," "high esteem," or "repute," which carries the meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words, can be used.
Say This Instead: Elohim - Plural (Hebrew), El - Singular (Hebrew) or Eloah (Aramaic)
Gad is a Syrian or Canaanite deity of good luck or fortune. In Hebrew, it is written GD, but with Massoretic vowel-pointing, it gives us "Gad." Other Scriptural references to a similar pagan idol, also written GD, have a vowel-pointing giving us "Gawd" or "God." Gad is identified with Jupiter, the pagan sky-idol or the pagan sun-idol.
The word "God (or god)" is a title, translating the Hebrew Elohim (or elohim), El (or el), and Eloah. However, it is often used as a substitute for the Tetragrammaton (YHWH).
According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, GOD is the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship, applied to all the superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word "god" on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the One Supreme Being. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics and Webster's Twentieth Century Dictionary, Unabridged agree that the origin is Teutonic paganism. In Indo-Germanic dictionaries, only one word resembles "god." It is ghodh and is pronounced the same. This word means union, also sexual union or mating. According to Luneburger Wörterbuch, the following are the same word: Gott, got, gode, gade, god and guth (gud).
Say This Instead: Set-Apart, Kodesh/Qodesh (Hebrew) or Kadosh (Hebrew)
The Hebrew word kodesh and the equivalent Greek word hagios and their derivatives have been translated as holy, hallowed, or sanctified in older English versions, and in modern versions as sacred. Bible dictionaries state that the meaning of kodesh (as well as kadash) specifies "separation." Modern scholars use the words "set apart," "set-apart," and "apartness."
According to Dictionary of Mythology Folklore and Symbols, the following is stated about the word HOLY: In practically all languages, the word "holy" has been derived from the divinely honored sun. According to Encyclopedia of Religions, HOLI is the Great Hindu spring festival, held in honour of Krishna, as the spring sun-god. Strong's Concordance refers to "heile" (the sun's rays). This form is almost identical to the German and Dutch equivalent of the English "holy." The German and Dutch word is heilig, which is derived from Heil, the name of a Saxon idol.
Say This Instead: YAHshua/YAHushua/Yeshua/Y'shua (Hebrew)
The original name of our Saviour was not Jesus or Iesous, but Y'shua. In our Saviour's word, His Father's Name was given to Him. The Father's Name is YHWH.
Two factors contributed greatly to the substitution and the distortion of our Saviour's Name. The first was the superstitious teaching of the Jews that the Father's Name is not to be uttered and that the Name must be "disguised" outside of the temple of Jerusalem. The second factor was the strong anti-Judaism feeling that prevailed amongst the Gentiles. They wanted a saviour, but not a Jewish one.
According to Wörterbuch der Antike, the substitute name can be traced back to the Latin Iesus and the Greek Iesous. Then, it can be traced back to an adaptation of the name of the Greek healing goddess Ieso. The Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell and Scott, confirm this. To Greeks who venerated a healing goddess Ieso, a saviour Iesous must have been most acceptable, suggests a writer in Philologische Wochenschrift.
Former President of Russia (Mikhail Gorbachev), is known by the Same Name All Over The World! Also, the Singer from Spain (Julio Iglesias) is known by the Same Name All Over The World! In spite of attempts to justify the "translating" of the Father's Name and His Son's Name, it CAN'T Be Done. A Person's Name Remains The Same In ALL Languages!
The father of the Greek goddess Ieso was Asclepius, the pagan idol of healing. The father of Asclepius was Apollo, the great pagan sun-idol. Thus, the name Iesous can be traced back to Pagan sun-worship. There is also a relationship to the Egyptian goddess Isis and her son Isu. According to Reallexikon der Agpyptischen Religionsgeschichte, the name of Isis appears in hieroglyphic inscriptions as ESU or ES. Isu and Esu sound exactly like "Jesu" that the Saviour is called in the translated Scriptures of many languages.
Esus was a Gallic deity comparable to the Scandanavian Odin. The Greek abbreviation for Iesous is IHS, which is found on many inscriptions made by the Church during the middle Ages. IHS was the mystery name of Bacchus (Tammuz), another pagan sun-idol. These are a few examples only.
Say This Instead: Master or use His Name!
The title "lord" is applied to all heathen idols, if the word "god" is not used for them. In most cases "lord" and "god" are used interchangeably for pagan idols.
There was an Etruscan house pagan idol whose name was Lar, which signified "Lord." It was also known as Larth, who later on became very popular in Rome and became known as Lares (plural) because as idol statues they were usually in pairs. The Greek equivalent of this name was Heros, which was another name for Zeus. A feminine form was known as Lara, who was the beloved of the god Mercury.
Lar and Larth mean Lord. The letters "th" and "d" were virtually interchangeably used, in various nations. It was also common to find "o" and "a" interchangeably used in Old and Middle English. The word "Lord" can also be traced back to Loride, a surname for the Teutonic god Thor, and to Lordo, another pagan idol.
Instead of "Lord," the word "Master," an exact rendering of the Hebrew Adonay/Adonai and the Greek Kurios, can be used.
Say This Instead: Covenant
One of the saddest mistakes of the King James Version is its use of the word "testament" instead of "covenant." According to the Companion Bible, the word "Testament" as a translation of the Greek word diatheke (which means covenant), has been nothing less than a great calamity; for, by its use, truth has been effectually veiled all through the centuries.
A covenant is a binding agreement between two parties; it is a two-party solemn agreement bound by oath. On the other hand, a testament is a written instrument by which someone has disposed of his estate.
This word "testament" as a description of our present spiritual realm is the heritage that we have inherited from Rome, for it has come our way, due to the use of the word "testament" in the Latin Vulgate. The word gives the wrong impression of "receiving only." It contributes to the erroneous teachings of "only believe," "grace only," "good works are unnecessary," "love only." The doctrine of "only believe" is the fruit of the work of the "spirit that works in the sons of disobedience," the spirit in the Man of Lawlessness who instituted this "no-law-religion," the Great Apostasy, the Mystery of Lawlessness.
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Posted by Mowreh ELbenYahuw Amri Yisra'el on July 12, 2020 at 11:33pm
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