The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12


"The name of YHWH is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe."  Proverbs 18:10


     The Name of YHWH (pronounced Yah-weh*) was first revealed to Adam.  The Name above all Names is Yahweh, it is an aspirant Name meaning it must be breathed while vocalized if one is to understand and speak it correctly.  Before original sin in the Garden of Eden, man was an eternal spirit being.  YHWH revealed Himself as the Self-Existent One and Creator of all things.  By pronouncing the Name as an aspirant, one can begin to understand how YHWH revealed Himself to His people.  Anytime before we speak the Name of YHWH we must remember His Name is YHWH Kadosh (Holy &  Set Apart). 


     The Name of YHWH is not to be brought down to an ordinary or common Name, Life originated from YHWH, therefore His Name is more important than Life itself.  YHWH guards His Name, therefore it is wise and prudent for us also to guard His Name.  We must protect His Set Apart Name from being used in a common manner.  During the creation of this website, indeed all Netzarim Jewish websites, writings and discussion where we write the Name of YHWH, great care and attention is taken to preserve His Mighty and Kadosh Name.  Our intent is to recognize who YHWH is, and as much as we are able, to understand who we are in relation to Him.  Our goal is to draw close to YHWH and to meet with Him, as such He promises He will draw close to us.  If our intent is only to satisfy a curiosity then we have no hope of making a vital spiritual connection with Him, we will have failed the meaning a purpose of His Name.


     It is commonly understood that we are to LOVE YAHWEH our ELOHIM, and Love our neighbour, but LOVE is impossible to define outside of the Attributes of YHWH.  Love and YHWH are inseparable, it is a curse for someone to learn the Way of Righteousness and then turn away and live a carnal and selfish materialistic lifestyle.  The Way of Righteousness and Love judges each of us according to what we do with what has been revealed.  As we learn the Name of YHWH let us consider our need for Him and how we must grow in our relationship with Him and each other.

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