The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12


Shalom dear Mishpocha,

We just sent out this newsletter and coupon that I wanted you to know about:

Since publishing the AENT 4th Edition we've received a wide range of excellent comments and questions regarding topics like: Messianic Heb

raic Spirituality, prophecy, systematic theology, textual criticism, calendar issues, matters of Torah halakha, outreach, Aramaic primacy, elements of Scriptural counsel, etc.

The AENT has greatly benefitted from the collective discernment in the Body of Believers. The contributions from hundreds of souls, for each successive edition, have added tremendous value to the work. This time around, the sheer quantity and quality of questions/suggestions led Andrew to provide clarifications in both the main text and footnotes, making a more readable and transparent translation from Aramaic into English.

In addition to the many expanded notes, the AENT 5th Edition now has an additional 293 new footnotes! We had no idea what YHWH was bringing about this year for the AENT, but are VERY excited to share what He is doing.

We've included many prophetic elements of Y'shua's Messiahship for the Jewish community, and many more Torah elements of Y'shua and the Apostle Paul's teachings for the Christian community. YHWH also led us to feature numerous elements of spirituality and empowerment according to the nature of Messiah Y'shua that is embedded in Hebraic and Aramaic consciousness.

Many believers recognize Greco-Roman elements within the modern Messianic and Hebraic Roots Movement. These elements can be found in the theological, social and hierarchical leadership structures. The AENT 5th Edition offers new footnotes that further illuminate Hebraic, Kingdom of Heaven, Messianic concepts of spirituality concerning: prayer, honor, humility, servitude, and social dialogue principles to name just a few. This, in contrast to a Greco-Roman spirituality that is based more on intellectual knowledge, religious authority, etc. Hebrew and Aramaic play an extremely vital role in defining foundational spiritual elements of the Faith Once Delivered.

In addition, this 5th Edition is being printed as a split run. We are binding the same text with a choice of either hard or soft cover, in order to bring printing costs down and pass those savings on to you. If you would care to make an advance purchase we are offering a $15 coupon. Just cut and paste: AENTADVANCE15 into the coupon code box and apply the discount.

This has been an exciting year and we have many new things to share with you in the very near future! Andrew is now preparing new video content about the AENT 5th Edition. He will be posting it online as well as presenting it through God's Learning Channel.

Andrew and I have a very deep gratitude to our Heavenly Father YHWH for allowing us to participate together in His work. We thank you for all your wonderful support and prayers!

May Great Grace be with you,
B'shem Y'shua Mashiyach.

With love and prayers,
Andrew Gabriel Roth
Baruch Ben Daniel

Advance Purchase Coupon Save $15
Valid through 12/10/2012
Offer only applies to purchases at Netzari Press online

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Comment by Elisheva (Bonnie Greer) on December 7, 2012 at 10:59pm

I just ordered mine.  Baruch HaShem!  This coupon was a blessing.  Thanks to Jeremiah for letting us know about it.

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