The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

YHWH'S Children of Pakistan


YHWH'S Children of Pakistan

Ministry That Clothes, Feeds, Houses and Teaches the Way, to Orphaned Kids in Pakistan

Members: 7
Latest Activity: Nov 18, 2012

Message from Ahsan,


 I am AHSAN MASIH I have been educating the children of Pakistan for 4 years now. I have been educating them to return to the Almighty and his written Torah (instructions) also the keeping of Sabbath & Biblical feast days, leaving behind the pagan holidays given to us by Roman Christianity and other religions. My goal is to expand my YHWH Kids  Center to its full limit of territory as I am able to do so through donations & YHWH's Blessing.

 On this site I will post information of how my work is going and current needs for the poor of Pakistan my current work is pointed towards children because the Bible says "Raise up a child in the way that he should and when he is old he will not depart from it". The Torah is words of wisdom from the ALMIGHTY himself and in those words of wisdom we should take heed and follow as we are instructed.



Educate Believers about the Hebraic roots of their faith. Through various teachings on the Biblical Feasts, ancient Jewish customs and traditions, and the Rabbinical literature, we seek to help the Believer gain a deeper understanding of the New Testament writings and of the One Who is revealed to us in all of Scripture, helping them to realize the rich heritage of their faith.

Provide answers to sincere questions and doubts that are stumbling blocks to many, help Believers to understand the "whys" behind "what" they believe and to recognize, define and defend the basic tenets of historically orthodox Netzarim, equipping them to answer the questions and doubts that are so prevalent in today's society.

Lead others to a full understanding and saving knowledge of God, which is found only in the person of Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the world.

Yahweh Kids & Youth Ministries Pakistan (YKYMP)

Statement of Faith

YKYMP is working among the Kids & Youth to make Yahweh known in a Pakistani society. It aims to impart knowledge about the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac. It aims to promote values of the prophets to witness the message of Yahweh and prepare kids & about the coming of Yeshua.

It believes Yahweh is Almighty and has power on the universe and he is the Father (In our local language we called Him ABABA FATHER). We believe those who accept Yahweh receives a gift of Holy Spirit. Yahweh sent HIS SON to redeem those who believe in him.

We believe Yeshua was born with the power of Holy Spirit. We believe a man or woman who wants to accept Yahweh needs to repent from his sins and make strong commit to follow the teachings of Bible.

We believe all those who believe Yahweh, are liable to work for the Kingdom. YKYMP marks Sabbath and celebrate Passover, (SUKKATH) Tabernacle feasts.


 I am working with an orphanage in which we have 30 children. The vision of this orphanage is to make available the basic needs, education and the understanding of the Word of YHWH for the children who has lost their parents and now looking at everybody around them to find love and affection but find nothing. We also welcome such child who belongs to the community who is living under the line of poverty and cannot even think about getting educating. When we started working, we learned about a very sad fact that these children does not know anything about YHWH and His great love for the mankind. For them feeding themselves is the main issue and for that they work hard to servive.

Now in the centre, children are not only getting standard education but we are trying to give them a comprehensive knowledge of Torah  so that they could realize that how special they are to Him and He has plans for them. We are trying our level best to give a home like shelter, proper diet, good education and a healthy environment so they grow with a positive approach with humanitarian and biblical values. In this regard we feel blessed that YHWH  has been guiding and helping us in different ways. In the beginning, we had no place but He made ways to build a House for the children. By the grace of YHWH now we have a proper double story building where children could feel home. Boys are enrolled in a well reputed school where principal of the school did not demand for the admission fee but we have to pay monthly fee of the children in the school.

I humbly request you that please think about the children and contribute whatever you can so they could enjoy the basic needs of the life. May YHWH  bless you to make the right decision.

Be blessed

His Servant,

Ahsan Masih

(WE here at Netzari faith and Beit Menuchah have joined hands with YAHWAHs kids Pakistan to help them serve the kingdom by serving and Loving the Least of these. FOR SUCH IS THE KINGDOM! ).

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Comment by YHWH Kids and Youth Ministry on November 18, 2012 at 3:19pm

Shalom all Freinds in YHWH , 

How are you all. May YHWH bless you and keep you safe. Pray for Our Orphanage Kids and Youth . Pray for Winter season needs. mostly need warm cloths and shoes. If you able to support give us with open heart. May YHWH bless all of you. 

Ahsan Masih 


Comment by YHWH Kids and Youth Ministry on November 14, 2012 at 7:39am

Shalom all dear brothers ans sister ,

how are you and your families. How things going with you. I want to share here in Pakistan cold is so much and our orpahange kids become sick day by day. Please keep them in your prayers and show your love with some gifts, we thanksful for your kindness. 

in YHWH 

Ahsan Masih 

YHWH Kids Pakistan

Comment by YHWH Kids and Youth Ministry on October 29, 2012 at 2:28am

Shalom dear Sister Elisheva , 

Thanks for your interst to support us. Yes we have not Paypal in Pakistan. Brither Jeremiah Support us for this great fundraising system. We are glad to get your Supprot with your love. 

In YHWH Unfailing Love 

Ahsan Masih (Founder of YHWH KIDS and YOUTH Ministry)

Comment by Larry on October 28, 2012 at 10:34pm

Elisheva ,at this point no they are not going directly , 

as they do not recive paypal in Pakastan as of yet, 

So I will be  sending the money myself .

also I was just going to eat the cost to send it ,

As any gift to them is So very welcomed  & needed 

Comment by Elisheva (Bonnie Greer) on October 28, 2012 at 9:44pm

Shalom, Jeremiah!  Are the donations going directly to Pakistan or are you having to send them yourself after we use the donate button?  If so, is there a fee you are incurring for sending the money on to Pakistan?  I want to include any expenses that are associated with donating.

Comment by Larry on October 24, 2012 at 1:31pm

This group is still being Updated , Will be Finished with also Links to the Site and info , About the Work And Donate link


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YHWH"S Children of pakistan

This is a kids home that Teaches & Cares for Homeless, Poor & Needy Kids of Pakistan. The Way  of YHWH


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