The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

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Whats is Netzari Faith?

Original followers of Yeshua and the 12

Members: 5
Latest Activity: Dec 11, 2012

Netzarim, or Nazarenes, were the original followers of Yeshua who live according to Torah and the Ketuvim Netzarim (writings of the Netzarim). Yeshua Mashiyach (whom Christians call Jesus) who was YHWH-Come-in-the-Flesh because of His Divine Nature, made a way for each one to receive the anointing of the Ruach HaKodesh (Set-Apart Spirit) and learn His Word according to the Tanach/"Old Testament" which consists of the Torah/Divine Instructions in Righteousness, the Neviim/prophets; and Ketuvim/writings..

We observe Torah as did Yeshua and His Talmidim (disciples). Netzarim follow an ancient and future calendar based on Torah which is the authoritative Word of YHWH. For Netzarim the Good News/Gospel is the entire Bible. We regard Yeshua (who was a tallit-wearing, Torah observant, Seventh Day Sabbath and Feast-keeping, kosher Jew) as Lawgiver and Teacher of all Righteousness.

Yeshua was a Jew living in a Jewish land among Jewish people. All the apostles were Jewish as were the writers of the "New Testament." For many years, faith in Yeshua was strictly a Jewish one, and the Book of Acts and other historical data tell us that during the First Century there were hundreds of thousands of Messianic Jews. Messianic synagogues were scattered throughout the Roman Empire and beyond and, during this time, YHWH miraculously showed his people that the Messiah was for both the Jew and the Gentile alike. This website seeks to put the Messiah back into a biblical and Jewish context.

We at The Refiner's Fire have been accused of spreading false doctrine, being "Orthodox," attempting to get people "back under the Law," "lifting up Jewishness instead of "Yeshua-ness," and of being "ignorant kooks who are illiterate in biblical doctrine" and even of "blatant bufoonery."

But the thing is, everything we teach comes straight from the Bible - and we challenge everyone who comes to our website to verify in the Scriptures the things we espouse. Truth cannot be denied, no matter how much Satan attempts to squelch it! Therefore, it is imperative that we do not follow MAN or man-made doctrines, but only God Himself.

You have confidence of being "born anew" when your soul thirsts for righteousness and follows in the footsteps of Mashiyach, observing Torah, and living to please Master YHWH.

Micah 6: He has instructed you directly O Man on what is good, And what does YHWH demand of you except to do justice, love grace and walk humbly with your Elohim?

Proverbs 30: 4 Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Who has cupped the wind in the palms of his hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in his cloak? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son's name? Surely you know!

Isaiah 9: 5 For a child is born to us, a son is given to us; dominion will rest on his shoulders, and he will be given the name Pele-Yo'etz El Gibbor Avi-'Ad Sar-Shalom [Wonder of a Counselor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace]...

Jeremiah 23: 5 "The days are coming," says ADONAI when I will raise a righteous Branch for David. He will reign as king and succeed, he will do what is just and right in the land. 6 In his days Y'hudah will be saved, Isra'el will live in safety, and the name given to him will be ADONAI Tzidkenu [ADONAI our righteousness].

2 Corinthians 4: 3 So if indeed our Good News is veiled, it is veiled only to those in the process of being lost. 4 They do not come to trust because the god of the 'olam hazeh has blinded their minds, in order to prevent them from seeing the light shining from the Good News about the glory of the Messiah, who is the image of God.

John 14: 15 "If you love me, you will keep my commands....

We believe that Christians should be Torah observant and traditional Jews need to come to the realization that Yeshua is the long-awaited Messiah for whom they've been waiting. Netzarim believers more closely worship God according to the Bible than any other "religion". Why? Because we see the Bible as one, continuous entity, as opposed to two separate Testaments in which one supersedes the other. We realize that our Savior, Yeshua, was a Torah observant, tallit wearing, synagogue attending, feast-keeping, kosher Jew, and we therefore try to view the entire Bible through a Hebrew mindset and adhere to HIS teachings instead of allowing ourselves to be swayed by man's opinions. We believe that Yeshua was God-Come-in-the-Flesh (not "incarnate"!); that He was predicted by, and succeeded, Moses; that He was foreshadowed throughout the Tanach ("Old Testament"); and that He did NOT abolish the Law/Torah, as He clearly stated in Matthew 5:17-18.

Why do we believe that Yeshua did NOT "do away with the law" (Torah)? Because YHWH's Divine Instructions had many "forever" commands, and "forever" hasn't ended yet! Man has no right to ignore Torah or Yeshua, and come up with his own theology and own "religious holidays"! While the COVENANT changed as God promised in Jeremiah 31:31, His Torah did not. "Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven (Psalm 119:89)." God's provisions have not changed; the penalty for disobedience has not changed; and God's promises have not changed. Yeshua Himself said He was here ONLY to do His Father's will; not negate His Father's will or abolish His "forever" commands.

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