The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

hitbodedut moshiach1 | The power of hitbodedut (Secluded Prayer)

Hitbodedut – Emunah – Bitachon – Bitul

Hitbodedut (secluded prayer), Talking to HaShem on a daily basis brings us closer to simcha (Ultimate Joy). Why is simcha so important? HaShem says to us, {Devarim 28:47} "Because you did not serve HaShem your God with simcha and with goodness of heart, out of an abundance of everything". Simcha therefore is the key to serving HaShem, and Emunah flows from there.

Give the benefit of the doubt to everyone especially HaShem" See the good in self even while walking through the darkest tunnels, see the good in others and of those who seem to hurt you. There are no coincidences. Every moment of our lives is a fun filled destined adventure. LIVE IT with full confidence in HaShem, self, and others.

Say and believe that "Gam Zu L’Tova" [this too is for the best] and so we come to that time when we are beginning to see in all events not only that it might in the end lead to something good, that there is a silver lining to every cloud, but that the cloud itself is good, gam zu, this itself, is l’tova, is good.

Bitul (Letting Go) with Emunah (faith) means that we let go of our fears and we let go and let HaShem.  Letting go plus Emunah equals to the process of knowing that everything is from HaShem the good drama and what we call the bad. Bitul (Let go and let HaShem), you will be greatly surprised by the outcome.

There will be days where obstacles are placed before you and you may think that HaShem is hiding from you or not on your side that day (God forbid). Just the opposite is true. It is a moment that will test your Emunah to see if you really believe that everything is from HaShem and all is good. When you want a ball to go farther you pull your hand back first then release; this is the same concept. NEVER, ever lose faith!

Emunah is something very powerful. Emunah is dependent in the mouth of a person. Therefore, a person should speak about Emunah. As it says (Psalms 89) "I will make known your faithfulness with my mouth" When a person falls into a lack of emunah here is a good idea how to snap back: "Talk emunah with your mouth" This in and of itself constitutes Emunah. Thank you HaShem! Sing to HaShem! Dance as if nobody is looking, know that He is rejoicing in you!

Trust in HaShem brings peace. Emunah (faith) produces Bitachon (trust) in HaShem. Bitul (Letting Go) helps a person see the hand of HaShem at work! A person who does not trust in HaShem tells lies. Lies prevent a person from trusting in truth.

Since prayer is a very powerful tool toward achieving Emunah, talking to HaShem in the form of Hitbodedut (secluded prayer) should be done on a daily basis.

Give your attitude to the world with Emunah (faith) and Bitachon (trust) with a twist of Simcha (joy)

Simcha with Emunah means to let go from the deepest pains that we hold so dearly. Want to experience joy with emunah? Cry out your pains to HaShem and from the tears will grow a clearing for joy to enter. Then let go, and let HaShem come into your life with emunah. Emunah B’Simcha comes from breaking away from the pain you are still holding.

The fact is that when one lives with Emunah life seems different. Accepting things with faith brings us calmer to everyday situations but in truth that doesn’t mean that just because we have faith that nothing will go seemly wrong in our life. Emunah is the base of life no matter during good times or not. Emunah strengthens us, it uplifts us and most of all it teaches us to let go and let God. Let’s work on building that base of emunah that is so vital to our daily life.

Go and speak to HaShem! Yala… While in hitbodedut one should talk to G-d about everything, ask him what areas you feel you need to improve, if you should be doing more of one thing, or less of a different thing. Through this Cheshbon HaNefesh (calculation of one’s deeds) you will be able to rid oneself of all fears and worries. You will no longer be afraid of any rulers, kings, wild animal, robbers or anything else in the world!  All your awe and fear will be toward G-d alone.

Our beloved it Rabbi, Maran Yeshua said: But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Ein Od Milvado -  There is nothing beside Him!

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