The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

torah of moshiach | Becoming "Torah Observant"

The following explanation is meant to serve as a primer to the individuals’ search to become "Torah Observant". The following "drash" (teaching example) should enlighten the average believer:

‘Most new automobiles come with two important pieces of literature: an owner’s manual, and a set of registration papers. The first of these is free with the purchase of the car. The latter needs to be obtained legally by the purchaser. ‘In the event of a traffic altercation (accident, speeding, etc.), the driver of the vehicle is required to produce the proof of registration (among other things) to the policeman making the report. Failure to do so will have serious repercussions on the part of the driver, as this information vitally links the driver to the ownership of the car. Obviously the registration paper is very important.‘On a similar vein, a long trip out and abroad on a hot summer day, without the use of the air conditioner, will prove to be uncomfortable, to say the least. Especially, if the region is a humid one. A flat tire during this trip would spell "double disaster". Because this is a new car, the driver is unfamiliar with the climate controls, so the heat is unbearable! Also, he or she may be ignorant when is comes to changing a flat tire! Where does the driver turn to for assistance? Fortunately the owner’s manual covers such topics as "climate controls, changing a flat, oil pressure, engine maintenance, and even radio features". The owner’s manual proves to be a valuable tool in providing both comfort and peace of mind in this situation.’

The matter of Torah Observance is made clearer when one understands the relationship he or she has to the God of the world, and the Covenants He made with us. The Torah spells out at least two very important Covenants in the life of a follower of HaShem. There is the Avrahamic (with Abraham) Covenant and the Mashiach (with Moses) Covenant. The Avrahamic Covenant serves to represent the registration papers, in our above drash. Prior to coming to faith, the Torah served as a reminder of sin (Romans 7:7-12). This is not the only function of Torah, but it is a primary one. After coming into a relationship with HaShem, through our holy Rabbi, Maran Yeshua Melech Yisrael, the person underwent a change in relationship to the Torah. The Avrahamic Covenant became for him or her, a "promise of inheritance". An "inheritance" of what? Of "eternal life", through trusting faithfulness. It became their "proof of ownership" so-to-say. It still reminded him or her of their sin the short comings that we have yet. However, because we now constitute the "Righteousness of HaShem" (Ephesians 2:1-10; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21), we are now free to pursue following HaShem without the threat of death for disobedience!

To be sure, the Torah spelled certain death for some disobedient acts committed by the supposed covenant follower (see: Exodus 31:12-18 "Sabbath violation"). Even the Besora Tova HaGeula Scriptures (Good News of Redemption) teach that "the wages (payment) of sin is death". But now our holy Rabbi, Maran Yeshua’s atoning death has "redeemed us from the curse of the law" (Galatians 3:13). "Death" and "condemnation" is no longer our wages (Romans 6:23; 8:1). The Mashiach Covenant was added for the "enjoyment of the promise" already available through our participation in the Avrahamic Covenant. The Mashiach Covenant became our "owner’s manual", providing blessing, maintenance, and enjoyment of promise to our lives.

It is a natural action of ours, urged on and empowered by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) within us! It is the result from having the Torah placed on our inward parts, as new creations through our holy Rabbi, Maran Yeshua HaMashiach! It is not something we do to BECOME saved; it is something we do BECAUSE we are saved!

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