The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

They say we're in bondage... But THEY'RE the ones who's trapped in a cell.

BEWARE, murder might one day be legalised. A killer or someone thinking of killing might take their cue from the community with the twisted sexual orientation. I can already picture the posters: WE DESERVE THE RIGHT TO KILL!!! WE'RE NOT OFE THE MARK, WE WERE MADE THIS WAY! WE DON'T CARE WHAT THOSE TORAH OBSERVANT SLAVES SAY, THE BLOOD OF THE HORSE SETS US FREE! You probably can't envision this happening but then again who could have forseen a site like gaysforjezeus pushing agendas, claiming that Yahweh's very impressed with their lifestyles. Who could have guessed that it would be the in- thing to dispose of a fetus? People are free to believe whatever nonsensical stuff they want to believe in. But the physical act of doing that which you believe, when it's negative and can pollute the minds of the masses, should be dealt with by the higher authorities. What's next? Is rape also gonna be legalised? Where is this so called law that we're supposed to have? Where's it hiding? Wait a minute, it's still here but most of it has shriveled up and decomposed because nothing that is purely Yahweh has been included into it. Democracy without Ha Av is a corrupt thing. Even if alot of people in that democracy are scripturaly minded, their policy of tolerance, their overlooking of abominable wrongdoing and mostly their misinterpretation of scripture forces democracy(which could have been a good thing) to be a curse. Once again it's a man-made trait, but fools are so accustomed to blame the kodesh Father. Hinnei, i'm not against the government, YHWH gave them authority here, but i am against their running of things. They're where they are for a reason, ditto me. But my reason is to straighten that which is skew. So let me rehash something very important that you already know. Torah is love. Torah is respect and obedience to the Ein Sof. There's nothing attached to it that can bring ills upon you as long as you focus on Yah. Torah is how Yahweh wants us to live so we can prosper and be blessed. YAHWEH'S ALWAYS GIVING. He gave us life, He gave us a chance to escape damnation thru Yehoshua and His still gonna give us a new paradise, and a lifetime upon a lifetime multiplied into forever with Him. But not if we simply just believe in Him. Let me wrap things up. I've always dreamed of visiting/staying in Yisrael. I believe it's possible to one day set foot there. But i need to work towards getting the funds together to be able to fulfill that dream. I've seen Yisrael on the telly, in mags and in papers. But i haven't been there yet. Yet with Adonai it's different.I can't see Him, but i DO see Him in Torah. In rainbows, in kindness. He can be heard in all these earthquakes. So whoever makes Torah out as a curse and teaches others the lie, may Yah do what He feels is nescessary. There's no way to enter the Kingdom as a lobster doing lobster things preacher an unkosher gospel advocating torahlessness. WE'RE LOST without those instructions. Shalom and brachot my fam. I'm gone.

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