The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

Not sure really. But i think it's helel, or is it samael? Anyway, what i DO know- for sure- is that he's the nachash of old: hasatan. And since i'm AGAINST this disgraced cherub and his shedim, i too am a satan- which makes me an adversary of the adversary.

When i was younger i used to have an unhealthy interest in shedim and the occult. And all of my life i've suffered strife inside of me becoz of outside sources. So in 'O5 or 'O6 i disregarded one of Yahweh's warnings and willingly, by means of ouija, granted unclean spirits entry into my life. Yeah, my life wasn't or isn't worth living, but i won't try to justify what i did. Right is right, wrong is wrong, right? Right. So since i perpatrated stupidity i'm reaping the curses that goes with it. Alot of people believe in magick, and aliens and telepathy and telekenetics, so do i btw. BUT. Not in the way others believe in it. What is 'magick'? Visible signs of invisible spirits. What are aliens? Shedim posing as otherwordly creatures. Ghosts? Add shedim to the tally.

Now that i'm a bit more ontop of things, i don't see why shedim need special rituals, special mantras and special ceremonies to be summoned. Whether or not you recite protective spells or draw occultic symbols that are supposed to keep the spirit incheck, is really just a waste of time and a ploy by the enemy to make people look ridiculous, eventhough they might think that they're following proper, MUST-DO protocol. I also don't believe that salt can deter shedim attacks or that you can bind one in 'the name of jesus'. To me it's just part of hasatan and crews tactics to keep people spiritually imprisoned. No disrespect to John Edward, but the same can't be said for the trade he practises. The dead know zero- absolutely NOTHING about the living. No thoughts, no dreams, no needs. So people need to stop worrying about the deceased, or whether or not the deceased is going to paradise. Rather worry about yourself and those who're still breathing. No man, via his own(non-existent) power can see into the future. No man can manipulate spiritual manipulators.Who's more superior- man or fallen spirit? So it should be evident who the true rulers of this corrupted world is. What does a shedim look like? I don't know for sure. They've manifested themselves to me in different beastly forms, once it appeared as blue energy in a human form but without human features. Yet mostly they, and i say they because its never the same one(varying levels of power) harassing me. Possessed? ME? No, but a couple of months back i DID feel one testing out my interior, and i NEVER want to experience that sensation again. Vile isn't sufficient enuff a word. Spells won't work in getting rid of the unclean, a brilliant scientific mind, cussing out or pleading with the fallen ones is also a dead end. So what's left then? One Melekh, one TRUTH, ONE YAHWEH. No other force is capable of making the mighty ones shudder. That's why i always use the Word against the unseen bullies. And eventhough the scriptures were corrupted by men, the scriptures that haven't been fiddled with contain power. Your faith in Yahweh activates it. So when a shed flees from you it's never because of you, it's because of Abinu. Just thought i'd share this with y'all. Toda for taking some timeout to drop in. Much love and brachot mishpocha.

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