The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

A while back, i asked about the circumsizion of a gentile male and achot Carmen laid down the truth for me. I truly believe what she said( there's no seperate rules for jews and gentiles once the gentiles have become grafted into Yisrael). But what irritates me alot is how other members in the messianic circles beliefs aren't on par with the rest of the movement. Abinu Yahweh said that each male child should be circumsized on the 8th day and that all males that weren't born Yisraelites should also get the mark of the flesh to show that they've decided to walk in Torah and to show that their allegiance was only to YHWH. Yet some people would have you believe that being circumsized puts you under a curse. How so? How could this rule of YHWH have passed into nothingness when Yah said that it was for all the generations? What about the tzittzit? Might as well do away with that and- hey, why not all YHWH's mitzvot? Erasing the need for the mark of the flesh is someones personal conviction which in effect annulls Yah's word. Which to me is sick'ning. I mean let's say a person follows all the applicable mitzvot and relaxes one and teaches the flock that it's stupid for non jews to want to follow that specific mitzvot which is a lasting command- what would the relaxer/killer of the command be on judgement day when that person is asked WHY that person lead people astray? I wouldn't want to be that individual. To enlighten, to encourage to care for others, to obey/honour the kodesh guidelines and to emulate Yehoshua- that's what i believe we're supposed to be doing. Not confuse our fellow brothers and sisters. Not spread insane doctrines about the nachash, satan knowing Chawa. Not claiming that Cain came from the loins of that fallen rebel. Not claiming that the creation couldn't literally have been accomplished in 7 days etc. Look, if people want to make a fairytale about the history of the jews let them do it. Yahweh sees and Yahweh will judge. I'm supportive of Yisrael and their right to the eretz till my ruach is repossessed from me. I hope y'allz is following me coz i'm a bit all over the show, but all these, circumventing Scriptures tactics really doesn't sit well with me. Anyway, Shalom, guess i'm done for now.

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My friend what you fill is the static that I have learned comes with the walk. . and not all of us will walk the right way. many will fall to the left and right even get into with is like Jewish worship even Messanic Worship of the Movment and fallow many fallowsees that are out thier that men are teaching.

and it seems even more in the Messanic moment. that is one of the Reason this site is over looks and Cared for by the Likes of Carmen wilkers and Baruch and Andrew as much as I have been able to connected.

I have found them to be true to the Word of Elohim and the Testamoney of Yeshua.

with out putting in all of what they think or feel but the TRUTH OF THE WORD OF ARE ELOHIM AND HIS YESHUA!

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