The Netzari Faith

Netzarim, Original followers of Yeshua & His 12

birth mashiach | Chevlei Mashiach Birthpangs of the Messiah

חבל משיח  “Chevlei Mashiach” means the “Birthpangs of the Messiah.” Messianic Judaism (All Judaism is by theory Messianic) teaches that the arrival of Mashiach is accompanied by birth pangs. This is also sometimes referred to as the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble.”

Jewish writings often refer to the birthpangs of Mashiach – Chevlei Mashiach. These birthpangs are the corporate suffering of the Jewish people and of the Messiah who sits at the right hand of the Father and cries with us until the time of the final redemption comes. Only our Father in heaven knows the time and hour of Mashiach’s coming. We are now at the conclusion of the Galut (exile). We have been through the labors of beirurim – (sifting) and refining with all their attendant trials. Moreover, we have been through some of the "birthpangs of Mashiach," those awesome events that have taken place in our generation (Israel as Nation, Jerusalem as its capital, Sanhedrin established, the war in Iraq, etc). It is now clear and obvious that we are standing at the threshold of the Redemption. Like Yosef and His brothers, Maran Rabbeinu Yeshua HaMashiach has been kept hidden from His brethren until the appointed time. Our holy Rabbi has been made king in a Gentile world that has changed his name, identity and appearance. Yet like Yosef, all this will have been for the purpose of a great redemption. But now the day has come when he must remove, as Yosef did, his Gentile clothes and reveal Himself to those who, for a long time, have not recognized him. For two thousand years, He has watched his Jewish brothers suffer, dispersed among the nations without a leader or king. Their suffering has been his own. Surely, in this last generation the birthpangs of Messiah and His people have been the greatest. Yet in the darkest of hours there is hope, for just as birth is preceded  and accompanied by birthpangs, the Sages tell us that there are likewise ‘pangs of Mashiach’ in the generation in which the Son of David will appear. And just as birthpangs hamper a birth, the greatest outcry in that generation will come when the obstacles are most numerous. 

The account of Yosef and his brothers has much to teach us regarding the relationship between Maran Yeshua and the Jewish people. It also speaks of that great event when, as Rav Shaul (Paul says), "All Israel will be saved." (Romim / Romans 11:26) See also: All Israel have a share in the World to Come, as it is stated: "And your people are all righteous; they shall inherit the land forever. [They are] the branch of My planting, the work of My hands in which to take pride."

"Then Yosef could no longer control himself before all his attendants, and he cried out, ‘Have everyone leave my presence!’ So there was no-one with Yosef when he made himself known to his brothers." When Maran Yeshua HaMashiach returns to reveal himself to his brothers and fight their enemies with them, the Scripture tells us that he too will be alone: “I have trodden the winepress alone; from the nations no-one was with me… For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and the year of redemption was come. I looked, but there was no-one to help, I was appalled that no-one gave support; so my own arm worked salvation for me, and my own wrath sustained me.” (Yeshayahu / Isaiah 63:3-6) What a terrible day that will be, when the Messiah will have to stand and fight for his people and land–alone. After the Holocaust, nations swore that they would not let it happen again. Yet this very day, the nations of the world are conspiring against Israel and supporting her enemies. How close we are to that "day of vengeance". Not only that, but the Besorah HaTova HaGeula says that when the "time of the Gentiles" is over, then He will reaveal himself to all Israel. (Uri / Luke 21:24) We are close! 

Today we recognize that non-Jews have gentilized our holy Rabbi Yeshua so much, giving him non-Hebrew names and clothing him with garments of false doctrine that have made him unrecognizable to his brethren. Often throughout history, the Jewish people have cried out for the Messiah, but the time had not yet come fully (thousand of Jewish people believe today). Like Yosef, Maran Yeshua himself will remove his non-Hebrew attire and tell them who He is.

Yosef did not say to his brothers, "I am Zaphenath-Paneah;" he said, "I am Yosef!" This will take place very soon!   Restoration is soon to come to Israel. Israel will finally fulfill her destiny as the “Or LaGoyim” "light to the nations." Great weeping will arise out of deep joy and healing. The birthpangs of the Messiah will then be over, and what is soon to come will be as "life from the dead!" A Nation will be reborn and Yeshua, Mashiach Ben David will be revealed.

The Jewish Temple will be rebuilt on Mount Zion and Temple Worship will be reestablished, the word of HaShem will come out of Zion, from the mouth of our holy Messiah. May it happen soon in our days!

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